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Adam Swan
Posts: 2
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Joined: 3 years ago

Hey there, Bridge to Success teacher from 2018-2020. I'd like to know if anybody here would mind telling me about their experiences at their current or former universities? I understand with the pandemic many of you might still be in your home countries, but any info is appreciated as I'm looking to return in 2022. 

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roger bailey
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Hello Adam, I can tell you a little bit of what I am currently going through with my school. Since we got here in in the middle of September, we then had to go through 1-month of quarantine comma two weeks in Shanghai and two weeks in our home province. After we finished our quarantine koma HR supervisor picked us up from our hotel and brought us to our apartments opposite the campus. During the first week post quarantine we had a lot of stuff to get done like registering with the police station and going to the bank to open our accounts, all of which needed documentation and paperwork to be done, thank God miss Cai (our supervisor) was patient! 

As a foreigner, when you do return, make sure you have your health code registered on your WeChat because you will be asked to show it when entering most places. We had to apply for our health cards after we got all our blood work and test results back from the day we went to the international hospital. 

There is much more I could tell you but overall the school has been very accommodating so far and our supervisor has been amazing and very helpful. Showing us how to apply for our health codes, and how to pay for various Utilities amongst others. 

The best advice I can give you is to have all of your documents photocopied at least twice and have digital copies just in case. Also have a couple extra passport photos. 

Also don't forget to mask up! We were given a pack of masks and sanitizers from the school.

Students like us so far (I was posing in their grad photos today xD) we just have to keep it up.

If you have anything specific you want to ask about, just drop a reply.

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Adam Swan
Joined: 3 years ago

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Posts: 2

@roger246 That sounds great, glad you made it over there. Which university is that, and how do you like it so far?

roger bailey
Joined: 4 years ago

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Posts: 2

@adamswan33 I'm at Hunan Industry Polytechnic  with my friend Crystal (you can check out her post about coming to china from Sept 11 under General discussions).

  I'm really liking it here. Though the adjustment to the air quality is still a work in progress 😓.

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